Assignment to who? What happened to the collateral? Who is the authorizing party? Why doesn’t my search report include this information?
Maybe it’s because you didn’t use Do Diligence for your search.
We understand how challenging and time-consuming it can be to review your due diligence search results. Every Do Diligence search report provides details on the action taken and lists the authorizing party for each UCC-3 filing.
For example, rather than just calling it an amendment, we will tell you the secured party changed their address or that specific collateral was deleted. This enhanced reporting will help you quickly review filings and identify lien status without digging through pages of copies for necessary information.
Contact us via email to place your request today!
East of the Mississippi: ddteameast@ddsimplified.com
West of the Mississippi: ddteamwest@ddsimplified.com